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Invisalign: the gentle dental treatment

Uncorrected, an overcrowded mouth, gaps or wonky teeth can cause wear and tear over a period of years. Luckily there are gentle, orthodontic treatments that can help to bring your teeth back to their best health. Invisalign® is a discreet, non-invasive way to resolve these issues and prevent further problems from developing down the line. This clever system will create a beautiful smile and help you side-step expensive and uncomfortable dental experiences.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® moves teeth gradually and gently to improve teeth positions by using a series of transparent mouthguard-like templates called aligners. These plastic aligners are custom-made to adjust your teeth gradually in precise movements planned by your dentist. Over the course of treatment, multiple aligners are used — one pair is replaced every two weeks.

Jill & Tom’s stories

Jill has gaps in her teeth and she hates them! So, she asked her dentist about getting crowns or veneers. Dental braces had never crossed Jill’s mind but, in a situation like hers, the best solution and most cost-effective solution is actually to move some teeth to close the gaps.

Tom has crowded and rotated teeth and has had this for years – he admits he should have had some braces as a child. Over the years, his teeth have become increasingly out of alignment, worn down and chipped and he feels the teeth are getting worse with time. Tom really wants to repair the damage and get dental crowns but unfortunately, due to the position of his teeth, there isn’t enough room for his dentist to achieve the best result.

In both these cases, Invisalign® can be used to gently move teeth. For Jill, this means that she doesn’t need crowns or veneers, so she will save money. For Tom, it allows his dentist to move his teeth into a position that will allow his teeth to be repaired properly.

In Tom’s case, his dentist could work around the constraints without using Invisalign® to straighten the teeth first. However, Tom’s teeth positions means that his teeth are likely to continue chipping and there’s a good chance that his dentist would have to redo some of the work. Ultimately, the final result would be less than perfect. However once the bite and teeth alignment is more favourable then this risk is much reduced and the overall final result will look much nicer too.

Proactive dental health

When it comes to your dental health, it pays to take a proactive, long-term approach. Whether or not you have a specific dental problem, visiting your dentist regularly will save you money in the long run.

Ask us about Invisalign® at your next check-up or give us a call on 0800 FLOSS IT to find out more.



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